Are you feeling lost?
Healing is a Journey
A Skilled Guide is Critical
Now you can Receive Coaching that is Biblically-Centered, Spirit-Empowered, and Trauma-Informed
Our Certified Coaches will meet you in your pain and provide you a pathway through
Without a clearly marked path and carefully devised plan this valley you’re facing will only seem to grow darker, more depressing, and more difficult to navigate.
The more you try to go at it alone,
the more lost you’ll find yourself.
Step 1.
Purchase a Coaching Package
Decide whether Pain to Purpose Coaching or Trauma Coaching is right for you by scrolling down to the Coaching Track section of this page. Next, purchase a 7-Session or 10-Session package by choosing the monthly payment plan option or receive a discount by choosing the pay in full option. If you’re still unsure which track is right for you, consider booking a free Coaching Connection Call.
Step 2.
We’ll Match you with a Certified Coach
During the checkout process, you’ll be prompted to fill out a required intake and consent form. Our Coaching Director (Teresa Glantz) will receive that intake form submission, review it, and then contact you about the coach you’re being matched up with. We do our best to match you with a coach who has walked a similar or the same pain journey as you, however, any point in the process, if you wish to be re-assigned to a different coach for any reason, you may reach out to our Coaching Director to request that.
Step 3.
Begin your Healing Journey
Once you are assigned to a coach, you and your coach will work together to schedule your sessions based on your convenience. If you are registering for Pain to Purpose Coaching, you’ll receive immediate access to the Pain to Purpose videos and a physical copy of the Participant Guidebook will be shipped to you.
Want to learn more about Coaching?
Listen to this special Nothing is Wasted Podcast Episode where Davey and Aubrey are joined by NIW’s Coaching Director, Teresa Glantz, and several of our Certified Coaches to share more with you about what Nothing is Wasted Coaching is all about and how it could help you on your path to healing.
You can’t Re-Purpose what you Don’t Process
You can’t Process what you Don’t Own
You can’t Own what you Won’t Name
You can’t Name what you Can’t See
Our certified coaches help you see what you can’t,
so you can walk from Pain into Purpose.
Two Different Coaching Tracks to Choose From
Pain to Purpose Coaching
This type of coaching is designed to journey one-on-one with you through our seminal Pain to Purpose curriculum. These trauma-informed coaches provide guidance and support to help you work through your healing and find purpose in your pain. With Pain to Purpose Coaching you’ll receive lifetime access to the Pain to Purpose Course and a physical copy of the Pain to Purpose Participant Guidebook.
Trauma Recovery Coaching
This type of coaching focuses on helping you navigate past or current trauma. Instead of using the Pain to Purpose curriculum, these trauma-certified coaches work with you to process your unique experiences and support your healing. These coaches have undergone extensive, in-depth study, training, and certification in trauma. They possess a deep understanding of the spiritual, emotional, and psychological effects of trauma.
Choose Your Package
Pain to Purpose Coaching
7 Sessions
(for 4 months)
Pain to Purpose Course
Participant Guidebook
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
7 Sessions (Full Pay)
Pain to Purpose Course
Participant Guidebook
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
10 Sessions
(for 5 months)
Pain to Purpose Course
Participant Guidebook
10 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
10 Sessions (Full Pay)
Pain to Purpose Course
Participant Guidebook
10 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
7 Sessions
(for 4 months)
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
with a Trauma Certified Coach
7 Sessions (Full Pay)
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
with a Trauma Certified Coach
10 Sessions
(for 5 months)
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
with a Trauma Certified Coach
10 Sessions (Full Pay)
7 Sessions of Virtual Coaching
with a Trauma Certified Coach
Still not sure which package is right for you?
What Others are Saying
Our Certified Coaches
Amy Sylvestre
Child loss, Stillbirth, Miscarriage, Adoption trauma, Medical trauma, Singleness, Family fractures and Betrayals, Life transitions, Grief, Church hurt, Crisis of faith
Brooke Talley
Young widowhood, Suicide, Solo parenting, Grief, Ministry
Dave Gothi
Divorce recovery, Marriage restoration, Mentoring couples, Marriage coaching
Deanna Ebersole
Sexual assault, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Faith struggles, Betrayal trauma
Elizabeth Austin
Addiction , Divorce, Betrayal trauma, Abuse, Eating disorder, Sexual assault, Depression and Anxiety
Erin Ketchen
Family tragedy, Grief and loss, Caregiving through cancer, Sibling loss
Gail Medaris
Childhood trauma, Miscarriage, Health challenges, Betrayal trauma, Grief and recovery
Jennifer Ball
Betrayal trauma, Parenting through mental health challenges
Jill Monaco
Childhood abuse, Spiritual abuse, Relational betrayal trauma, Loss and grief
Karissa Sprinkle
Sexual betrayal, Infertility, Pornography addiction impact, Church leadership betrayal
Kelly Brockman
Loss of adult child and child to murder, Violent community tragedy, Navigating profound emotional pain
Ken Roberts
Widowhood, Grief and loss as a pastor, Leadership and Organizational struggles
Mary Gothi
Divorce recovery, Marriage restoration, Mentoring couples, Marriage coaching
Molly Huffman
Loss of parent, Loss by cancer, Miscarriage, Infant Loss, Divorce and Infidelity
Nicole Roberts
Loss of parent, Identity, Loss, Grief, Anxiety and Depression, Masters in Clinical Mental Health
Rebecca Martin
Loss of identity, Depression
Renee Kinney
Caregiving, Widowhood, Loss of Parent, Loss of Sibling, Childhood and Medical trauma, PTSD and Crisis of Faith
Tami Brock
Sexual betrayal, Narcissistic abuse, Addiction support
Tammy Gerber
Sexual Abuse, Infertility, Eating Disorder, Miscarriage, Adoption
Tara Vanderbur
Depression, Same sex struggles, Emotional abuse, Divorce
Teresa Glantz
Coaching Director
Teri Tognetti
Domestic violence, Abuse, Divorce
Toni Lifsey
Childhood Trauma
Wilma Kinsman
Cult recovery, Spiritual abuse, Divorce
My coach had a unique gift of listening and patiently sat with me in my grief. She offered insight into my story and how God was using my pain. She also opened up doors for me to connect with other widows—the gift of close community that I so desperately needed and continue to be blessed by.
— Melissa —