Tammy Gerber
Sexual abuse, Infertility/Miscarriage, Eating Disorders, Adoption/Fostering
Tammy is a Registered Nurse and Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. Her desire to be a coach was born out of her own journey with trauma. The trauma Tammy experienced throughout her life caused her to carry profound shame. She has experienced sexual abuse, an eating disorder, infertility, miscarriages, adoption, perfectionism, chronic health struggles, and a child with severe mental illness. Shame is as old as the Garden of Eden, and a very effective tool of our enemy. Shame causes us to minimize the emotions and wounds of our heart, fragments our thoughts and memories, isolates us from others, and causes negative neurobiological effects throughout our physical body. It affects ALL of you, keeping you from living wholeheartedly. Tammy believes three things are key to finding healing. First, the ability to tell a more true and accurate story of your life by taking an honest look back at how trauma has affected you. This will help you bring to light and break the stronghold that shame can have on people who experience trauma. Second, to believe, and then experience, that you are deeply loved by God and that you are valuable to Him and worthy of His love. Tammy was saved by Jesus at age sixteen, but she didn’t know that she was loved by Him until much later in life. And third, to share your story of trauma, healing, and hope with others in whatever way God asks you to, bringing hope to others and purpose from your pain.