Episode 211 - Learning to Lean into our Pain with Jackie Hill Perry


There are certain issues that the church is silent on too often. Whether it’s from fear of controversy or just not knowing what to say, it’s all too easy for many Christians to be afraid of talking about topics that can seem “messy.”

Jackie Hill Perry is not one of those people. Having dealt with sexual abuse, pornography, gender confusion, same-sex attraction, and more, Jackie is well versed in these topics that many Christians fear to talk about.

And as an author, speaker, poet, and more, Jackie has found herself in a unique position to speak up about these important issues.

This week on the Nothing Is Wasted Podcast, Jackie sits down with Davey to share some of her story and how it relates to pain, healing, redemption, and more.

”It is hard to embrace the comfort of God if you are in denial about your pain.”

Jackie Hill Perry


Episode 212 - Walking with Grief with Clarissa Moll


Episode 210 - Speaking Up Against Abuse of Power with Tiffany Bluhm