Alexis Hunter Alexis Hunter

Episode 368 - Overcoming Insecurity with Oneka McClellan

How do you move past your greatest insecurities in order to step into what God has for you? What do you do when pain creates new insecurities and doubts about who you are?

Author and pastor Oneka McClellen understands the way self-doubt and insecurity can creep in when you are trying to step into your God given calling and purpose. As a ministry leader and as a woman, she has found herself lacking the confidence in Christ she needed to do what God created her to do. In her book “Born Royal: Overcoming Insecurity to Become the Woman God Says You Are”, she dives into how to trust God with your identity and look through a lens of hope no matter what your story.

In this episode, Aubrey and Oneka talk about what we are to do with our insecurities that threaten our confidence in how we were created, what it looks like to live out what God has for us, and how to walk in who God says we are when we are hurting and in pain.

If you've struggled to find the confidence in Christ in who you are, this conversation will remind you that you are a child of the King and that makes you royal.

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Guest User Guest User

Episode 285 - Reflections on Family, Ethnicity, and the Sacred Work of Belonging with Tasha Jun

How do you navigate living between two completely different worlds? How do you honor the culture of a parent while being a part of another culture that doesn't always do the same?

For author Tasha Jun, learning to love and embrace the culture of her Korean mother while finding a place to belong in American culture left her feeling caught between two worlds at times. Being biracial, Tasha struggled with a sense of belonging, but even more so, with her own identity in feeling too much and not enough at times. Learning to love who God made her, including the different parts of her culture, helped her to fully experience the love of God in the messy middle of understanding and embracing who she was. As she became a mother, she saw the sacred gift in her own heritage and give that gift to her children.

In this raw and honest conversation, Davey and Tasha discuss what it is like to feel "othered," how writing can be a tool for healing, and seeing God meet you in your identity while learning to grieve the ways we feel like we don't belong.

If you've ever felt like an outsider in any sense, this episode will encourage you that you belong in the beautiful kingdom tapestry that God is weaving together and your unique makeup is exactly what God intended.

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Guest User Guest User

Episode 270 - Loving Well through the Pain of Addiction with Geoffrey & James Banks

Have you ever watched someone you love struggle through addiction? Or perhaps you were the one with an addiction and saw the devestating impact it had on those who loved you most? How do you heal, on either side of an addiction?

For Geoffrey Banks, a youthful curiousity turned into years long struggle with drug addiction while his father, James, endured the pain of watching his son walk through so much self-inflicted pain. Now, years later, Geoffrey is sober and has followed his father's footsteps into ministry. Both serve as pastors and they've taken their heartbreaking journey through the pain of addiction and shared their story with others who are on a similar path, either as the adult child or the parent. Together, they shared what they've walked through in their book, Hope Lies Ahead: Encouragement for Parents of Prodigals from a Family that’s Been There. Addiction can feel relentless with one step forward and three steps back, but Geoffrey and James prove that through Christ true healing can come.

In this episode, Davey talks with Geoffrey and James about the spiritual warfare that can take place amidst addictive struggles, how to love well those who wrestle with addiction, how our journey with Jesus doesn't always look neat and tidy, and the role identity can play in our pain and our healing.

Whether you've walked through an addiction or know someone who has, this conversation will remind you that even when things seem bleak, hope can restore even the most broken stories.

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Amy Sylvestre Amy Sylvestre

Episode 211 - Learning to Lean into our Pain with Jackie Hill Perry

There are certain issues that the church is silent on too often. Whether it’s from fear of controversy or just not knowing what to say, it’s all too easy for many Christians to be afraid of talking about topics that can seem “messy.”

Jackie Hill Perry is not one of those people. Having dealt with sexual abuse, pornography, gender confusion, same-sex attraction, and more, Jackie is well versed in these topics that many Christians fear to talk about.

And as an author, speaker, poet, and more, Jackie has found herself in a unique position to speak up about these important issues.

This week on the Nothing Is Wasted Podcast, Jackie sits down with Davey to share some of her story and how it relates to pain, healing, redemption, and more.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 41 - Hayley Morgan

Whether we realize it or not, we’re all preachers. Even if we aren’t on a stage with a microphone or a pulpit, we all have at least one person listening to what we have to say: ourselves. In her new book Preach to Yourself, Haley Morgan talks about how we can combat the lies of the enemy by preaching God’s truth to ourselves. Haley sits down with Davey to discuss how to preach to yourself, and much more.

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 11 - Mike Foster

Mike Foster is the Chief Chance Officer at People of the Second Chance. He has dedicated his life to helping people relaunch their lives with a sense of hope and purpose.

Mike & Davey talk about what it means to be People of the Second Chance - using your past, your trials, and your pain to turn your setbacks into superpowers.

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