Episode 210 - Speaking Up Against Abuse of Power with Tiffany Bluhm


It seems like every day we hear about yet another abuse of power from a political, spiritual or business leader. It can make you wonder how many people saw something before the ultimate downfall.

For Tiffany Bluhm, there was not only the pain of witnessing an abuse of power but also the pain of remaining unheard even after she spoke up against the injustice she saw.

In this episode, Tiffany and Davey talk about what we can do when we come face to face with an abuse of power either as a victim or a bystander and how we can all work together to follow Christ's example of honoring every human being regardless of status in power structures.

Learning to boldly speak up, whatever our position may be, is an invitation from Jesus to promote justice and recognize the Imago Dei in each and every person.

“We don’t keep secrets, secrets keep us.”

Tiffany Bluhm


Episode 211 - Learning to Lean into our Pain with Jackie Hill Perry


Episode 209 - Finding Passion and Purpose in Pain with Jesse Bradley