Episode 75 - Aubrey Sampson

When trials hit our lives, it can be hard to even believe that God is for us. How can we reconcile a good God with a life that seems bad? But even if we can believe, then what? How do we relate to a good God in the middle of painful circumstances? Aubrey Sampson found herself asking that when she found herself suffering from an autoimmune disorder, watching her young son undergo surgery and a difficult recovery, and grieving the sudden loss of a close family member. In the second part of our mini-series on lament, Aubrey shares with Davey some of the things that she writes about in her new book The Louder Song about what lament means and how it is vital to our lives today.

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Chronic Illness, Marriage Davey Blackburn Chronic Illness, Marriage Davey Blackburn

Episode 69 - Sandy Morris

The trials we each walk through come in all shapes and sizes. For some of us, our struggles are temporary and we can look forward to the day we’ll put them fully behind us. For others, our lives may change in an instant, and we may spend the rest of our lives healing from one moment. But what do you do when your trial is ongoing? What if you know it’s only going to get worse, and there isn’t an end in sight? Sandy Morris stepped into that kind of trial when her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers at only 46 years old.

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Episode 49 - Joni Eareckson Tada

It only takes a single moment for everything to change forever. One split-second choice can send ripples through our entire lives. For Joni Eareckson Tada, that moment came when she misjudged the depth of the water as she was about to dive into, leaving her paralyzed from shoulders down at only seventeen years old. It’s hard to imagine that kind of suffering, but Joni’s trial was only beginning. She’s faced a lifetime of disability, cancer diagnoses, chronic pain, and more, and she’s come through all of it believing that God is good no matter what circumstances she may face. Joni shares with Davey about how she’s kept her faith through unimaginable suffering, as well as the incredible ministry that God has brought out of it to change countless lives.

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