Meeting You in Your Pain and Providing a Pathway Through

The Pain to Purpose
Video Course
An 11 session video course designed to help you live, learn, and lead through pain. In the course Davey walks you from point ‘A’ to point ‘Z’ of navigating your valley, helps you uncover the things God wants to teach you, and leads you to a renewed sense of purpose out of your pain.

Our Story
Davey and Kristi Blackburn are living a beautiful story of redemption and healing, forgiveness and hope. What the enemy meant to serve as roadblocks in each of their lives, God has shifted into opportunity — opportunity to serve, to love, to learn, to grow, and to impact others for eternity.
Based in the Indianapolis area alongside their three children, Natalia, Weston, and Cohen, Davey and Kristi strive to be beacons of God’s light and love, and showcase the power of His redemption to individuals and churches around the world - though it wasn’t always this way…
Your Stories
I probably had 5 dating apps on my phone at once. I was trying so hard. But nothing ever came of it. Finally I laid it down and began to have contentment in my singleness – I was resting in the idea that God would introduce me to the right person or that his plans were for me to be single.
My father was very intelligent and sharp minded. Always looking ahead for a new challenge or opportunity. He began playing the game of backgammon. His style was always to make the most of everything, taking it to the limit, so ordinary games turned into weekend tournaments and a new lifestyle. During this new hobby, he was introduced to cocaine.
The day after my husband and I returned from our 8th mission trip to Costa Rica, I stepped out of the room and found him taking his last breath. After calling 911, texting my two adult children and going to the hospital, I was ushered into the ER and given the words, "he's gone".
We said what turned out to be our Earthly goodbye on January 8th when he left for Basic Training. Perfect hugs were given, perfect words were said, and lots of tears were shed, especially for this pregnant and hormonal momma. On January 22nd I received a call from a hospital in Georgia. “Hello, Mrs. Huss, your husband is here with us, he has gone into cardiac arrest multiple times. He is alive but in critical condition. You need to get here as soon as possible.”
My brother died on November 30, 2018. Never in a million years did I think my brother would die before our children were grown and we were old, very old. Ya know, the way it’s supposed to happen. I was at work, extending my maternity leave. My mom called twice. I didn’t answer. She texted me that something very bad had happened and I needed to call immediately. I called and she delivered the news, “Andrew’s plane crashed.”
I coped with Corey being sick by finding reasons to be mad at him. But my God, I loved him. When Alex and I started dating, he encouraged me to spend more time with my brother and to be his friend. That’s why my mom and I fell in love with Alex so quickly. We would go get dinner with him, go out to grab drinks, bowl, or just hang out with him. Alex made Corey feel normal and would talk to him like they had been friends for years. Corey and I were closer than we had been in 10 years when he died, and I am ever thankful for that.
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