Ministry Leaders,
We’ve found ourselves at a critical time in Church history. Anxiety, depression, and mental unhealth is at an all-time high. Unaddressed pain and trauma has the potential to paralyze the Church and its leaders more than anything else — and the enemy is doing everything he can to leverage this against The Church.
How many times have you seen people in your congregation begin to get on mission and move into their purpose and then something happens in their life that knocks them off course?
A tragedy strikes. They get confronted with a difficult trial. Divorce, cancer, loss of a loved one, sexual betrayal, abuse, addiction, and the list goes on. It can feel overwhelming to know where to start in helping your people heal from the wide array of hurts represented in your congregation.
That’s why we’d love to invite you to a one-day roundtable event designed to equip you with a holistic approach to healing your church — from the leadership to the lay people. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the pressing needs in your congregation or the emotional toll it takes on you personally, we’d love to have you join us for this special event.
At the Healing Leader Roundtable, we’ll discuss how to:
Differentiate between what trauma is and what it is not
Cultivate a solid theology of suffering within those you lead
How to build a congregation that is resistant to the enemy’s ploys of paralysis through pain
Help the people in your church heal through trauma, grief and pain and get back on mission
Engage cultural messages that threaten to erode faith during difficult times
Approach healing in a holistic way that is Biblically centered, Spirit led, and trauma-informed
Finish well as a leader and not get stuck where most tend to stumble
Practically serve those who have experienced trauma, trials, and significant life transitions with a proven pathway
And more …
Upcoming Events
Heartland Church
14900 126th St
Fishers, IN 46037 -
Details Coming Soon
Meet Your Hosts …
Ken Roberts
Ken was a pastor of a large and growing congregation when his wife of 25 years was killed in a car accident. Ken and his two adult children, who were living at home at the time of their mother’s death, not only had to walk through the pain of this loss, but Ken’s church that he had been pastoring for 25 years, also began to unravel. Ken knows the pain of loss, both in his personal life and in his life as a leader, and now helps thousands of pastors and leaders through their own journeys of pain. After 33 years of senior-pastoral leadership, he transitioned into coaching leaders, helping them to live well while they lead well.
Davey Blackburn
In November 2015, Davey was a pastor and church planter when his wife of 7 years, Amanda Grace, was tragically murdered in a home invasion. Davey was left to pastor their church as a single dad to their 15 month old son, Weston. Over the next few years of healing from this tragedy, Davey began to see the need for the local church to create environments where people can truly heal from their pain and trauma and get back on mission. Davey is an itinerant speaker, podcaster, author, and the founder and director of Nothing is Wasted Ministries — a ministry designed to help people partner with God to take back their stories.
Teresa Glantz
Teresa was born into generations of trauma and abuse: alcohol, domestic, emotional, and verbal. She also found her oldest brother in his room, after he had ended his life through suicide. Even more recently, Teresa took a DNA test for fun, only to discover that the man who raised her wasn’t even her father.
Teresa is now a certified trauma recovery coach and the Coaching Director for Nothing is Wasted Ministries. She loves helping people process their past, uncover their places of trauma, and come into the wholeness that Jesus came to give.
We’d love to invite you (and your spouse and team if possible) to join us and several other pastors from your area to dive into this conversation about creating a holistic approach to healing at your church.