Episode 1 - Glen Packiam


When we find ourselves in the dark after loss, big questions often follow: Where is God now? Why can’t I see Him here? Why can’t we sense His presence? How can I trust that God is good? Why did this happen?

The deep theological wrestlings that often arise after the pain of grief can be jarring. But we need permission to ask the raw questions. We need a space to say them aloud. And we need a guide to help us find answers in the dark.

In this first episode of the What We Find in the Dark Podcast, join host Aubrey Sampson and her guest, pastor and author Glenn Packiam, as they uncover what exactly entails a dark night of the soul, the questions that can emerge after a season of loss and grief, and why wrestling with God in our biggest questions is so important.

If you find yourself struggling with a darkness and seeming silence from God, this conversation will help you see what may feel obscure in the darkest seasons of loss and grief.

“There is something about the whispers of God that gets us to come closer.”

-Glen Packiam

To learn more about how to navigate your own season in the dark, pick up host Aubrey Sampson's book What We Find in the Dark: Loss, Hope, and God’s Presence in Grief

Connect with this episode's special guest, Glenn Packiam:
Website: glennpackiam.com
Instagram: instagram.com/gpackiam
Facebook: facebook.com/gpackiam
Book: What's a Christian, Anyway?: Finding Our Way in an Age of Confusion and Corruption

Are you navigating a dark night of grief or loss, pain or trauma? We want to walk beside you as you journey towards healing and hope. Go to nothingiswasted.com to learn all the ways we can help when you find yourself in the dark.

Nothing is Wasted Curated Pathways are your path towards healing whatever specific pain point you're walking through. Learn more at nothingiswasted.com/pathways