Amy Sylvestre Amy Sylvestre

Episode 210 - Speaking Up Against Abuse of Power with Tiffany Bluhm

It seems like every day we hear about yet another abuse of power from a political, spiritual or business leader. It can make you wonder how many people saw something before the ultimate downfall.

For Tiffany Bluhm, there was not only the pain of witnessing an abuse of power but also the pain of remaining unheard even after she spoke up against the injustice she saw.

In this episode, Tiffany and Davey talk about what we can do when we come face to face with an abuse of power either as a victim or a bystander and how we can all work together to follow Christ's example of honoring every human being irregardless of status in power structures.

Learning to boldly speak up, whatever our position may be, is an invitation from Jesus to promote justice and recognize the Imago Dei in each and every person.

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Amy Sylvestre Amy Sylvestre

Episode 208 - Catherine McNiel

What happens when the place that is supposed to be a source of comfort ends up causing you some of the greatest pain of your life?

The avenue God created for both healing and sharing the good news of the gospel can sometimes be where many of us are intentionally or unintentionally wounded by the people within its doors.

In this episode, Davey sits down with author Catherine McNiel as she tenderly shares her experience with being wounded by the Church. As a young girl, Catherine felt completely abandoned by the community she once knew and found herself grappling well into adulthood with how to trust again in the context of Church.

Where fear threatened to keep her isolated, God offered her another way, the way of love. No matter what the cause of church hurt may be, accepting God's invitation into love and freedom rather than fear and distrust is the only way forward.

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Amy Sylvestre Amy Sylvestre

Episode 192- Naomi Widmer & Teresa Glantz

At a young age, Naomi Widmer experienced sexual and spiritual abuse that would haunt her for years to come. Naomi would go on to carry the pain of these early events for decades, unable to find true healing anywhere she looked. That is, until she met Teresa Glantz.

Teresa’s story is not too dissimilar from Naomi’s. She’s gone through similar pain and trauma, and has walked a long, hard healing journey. Teresa is one of our Pain to Purpose Certified Guides, and she walked Naomi step by step along a path that has led to true, lasting healing.

Naomi and Teresa sit down with Davey to share their story of finding each other and how Teresa’s pain journey led to her being an agent of healing in Naomi’s life.

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