Alexis Hunter Alexis Hunter

Episode 369 - Healing Shame after Betrayal with Mark and Jill Savage

How do we heal a marriage that has been broken by betrayal? Is it even possible to move past the shame and condemnation that can come after choices that harm our closest relationship?

There was a time when author and podcaster Jill Savage could not see a road to redemption after her husband, Mark, then a pastor, had an affair and was ready to end their marriage. Through what can only be described as the work of God in Mark's heart, their marriage was healed and they stayed together after betrayal. But, the road to that place was not easy. It was full of heartache and shame that threatened to end their relationship. Mark says it was only when he was able to fully surrender to the Lord that true healing came. Now, the couple coaches others who are walking through a similar pain story and have written several books and resources to help couples whose marriages are at a breaking point.

In this episode, Davey talks with Mark and Jill about how to love a spouse when it feels impossible, the incredible power of surrender, and the difference between condemnation vs. conviction.

Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you are working through shame over a past sin, this conversation will help you find a way through the emotions that can keep us stuck, hurting our most precious relationships, and into hope and healing.

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Alexis Hunter Alexis Hunter

Episode 364- The Mindful Marriage with Ron and Nan Deal

How do we get out of the negative patterns in our marriage? What impact does learning to regulate our own emotions have on our relationships?

For authors Ron and Nan Deal, it wasn't until they learned to self-regulate their own emotions after the built up pain from their stories and the loss of their child that they began to find healing in the destructive cycles in their marriage. When their relationship had reached a critical point, they found hope and help in the work of Dr. Terry and Sharon Hargrave, whose transformational Restoration Therapy gave Ron and Nan a path forward together in healing. In their new book, The Mindful Marriage: Create Your Best Relationship Through Understanding and Managing Yourself, Ron and Nan, along with the Hargraves, share both Biblical principles and neuroscience that will help create a more loving, faithful marriage for readers.

In this honest and raw conversation, Davey sits down with Ron and Nan to talk about the impact family of origin has in our relationships, why emotional regulation is so important, and how learning to renew your mind can help your brain heal from unhealthy patterns of thinking and relating with your spouse.

No matter what state your marriage is in currently, this episode will show you how learning about your own unhelpful ways of coping can bring healing, hope, and flourishing to your most important relationship-your marriage.

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Guest User Guest User

Episode 310 - The Marriage Gift with Aaron and Jennifer Smith

How do we move through our deepest hurts in marriage? What do we do when the marriage we envisioned is not the one we are living in?

For authors and podcast hosts Aaron and Jennifer Smith, the difficulty they endured in the early days in their marriage made them wonder if they would even make it as a couple. Troubles with physical intimacy and disappointment threatened to undo their union. It took them learning to be vulnerable and transparent within safe Biblical community for God to start to heal the places of brokenness in their marriage. And it was through learning how to be honest with others that God began to reveal an opportunity for them to serve others in their marriages by sharing about their own. Through the Marriage After God podcast and their many books on marriage, including their latest, The Marriage Gift: A Daily Devotional Journey to Inspire, Encourage, and Transform Us and Our Prayer Life, the Smiths have been able to help others find healing in their relationships and to turn to God every step of the way.

In this insightful conversation with Davey, Aaron and Jennifer share how the struggles in their marriage taught them the power of prayer, how community can be an agent of healing in our relationships, and the way God can use our own vulnerability to welcome others to share their pain.

If you're in a season of difficulty in your marriage or know someone who is, this episode will encourage you to keep praying, even when you feel like giving up.

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Ministry makerscc Ministry makerscc

Episode 38 - Lysa Terkeurst

It might be hard to find a Christian woman in America whose life hasn’t been changed by Lysa TerKeurst. Her organization, Proverbs 31 Ministries, is one of the largest Christian women’s ministries, and thousands upon thousands have been helped by her best-selling books and prolific speaking. But if you think this success translates to an easy life, you’d be wrong. She’s walked through health scares, a cancer diagnosis, her husband’s affair, and so much more. Lysa sits down with Davey to talk about walking with faith through unimaginable hardship.

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Uncategorized makerscc Uncategorized makerscc

Episode 10 - Carlos Whittaker pt. 2

Carlos Whittaker joins Davey on the podcast this month to share ... in the most authentic and vulnerable way you've ever heard ... his story.  They talk about following Jesus in the ups and downs of life and ministry, Carlos shares some of his lowest moments and how he's learned to find and kill the spiders in his life. 

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makerscc makerscc

Episode 09 - Carlos Whittaker pt. 1

Carlos Whittaker joins Davey on the podcast this month to share ... in the most authentic and vulnerable way you've ever heard ... his story.  They talk about following Jesus in the ups and downs of life and ministry, Carlos shares some of his lowest moments and how he's learned to find and kill the spiders in his life. 

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