Episode 232 - Learning to Connect with God in the Unexplainable with Emmanuel and Adrienne Threatt


What do you do when you feel disconnected from God in the middle of a hard season? How do you learn to trust Him when circumstances make you angry and confused?

For Emmanuel and Adrienne Threatt, this was the wrestling they navigated after experiencing multiple miscarriages over a period of time in which other losses seemed to come at them unrelentingly.

Trust can come easy when things are going our way and when our prayers are being answered the way we want, but learning to put your hope and faith in God after disappointment after disappointment can feel daunting.

For the Threatts, this process of learning was arduous. It came through vulnerability and transparency with themselves, God and others. Sharing their journey through the valleys of miscarriage helped them to find purpose in the seemingly never-ending pain and helped them to be honest with the Lord as to what they were feeling in the midst of it.

Even after receiving the news that they were finally pregnant with triplets, there was still so much to work through with the Lord.

In this episode, Davey talks with the Threatts about what to do with the feelings that God is far away from you in your pain, how to process anger towards the Lord and using worship as an act of faith in hard times.

The vulnerability and transparency the Threatts share will encourage anyone walking through a painful season to continue to trust God, even when the path seems dark.

”If I have to go through this, I am going to repurpose my pain by sharing my experience with others so that others can have hope.”

Emmanuel and Adrienne Threatt

Episode Resources:

Buy Emmanuel’s Book: How to Fly to the Moon in a Cardboard Box

Connect to the Threatts’ nonprofit: www.HopeUnleashed.Me

Instagram: @HopeVibesCLT

Watch their triplet story on YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCQwUP_tsO7KirMz0cSMh-Dw

Find Your Nothing is Wasted Community:
Order the Pain to Purpose 42-Day Devotional


Episode 233 - Getting Unstuck in Grief with September Vaudrey


Episode 231 - Finding Perspective in the Unexpected with Kelley Scites