Episode 223 - Healing from the Hurt of Purity Culture with Carlie Tice Cleveland


What do you do when you realize the things you've been taught don't quite match up with God's Word? How do you navigate when what you believed to be true of the body of Christ doesn't hold up when you need care and protection?

For Carlie Tice Cleveland, experiencing an abusive relationship was painful enough yet more hurt was heaped upon her when the response of Christian leaders was shaming and blaming. It was through that difficult season that Carlie began to rightfully question some of the lessons she had learned through the years about purity.

Her questions led her to untangle some prescriptive religious rules that ignored the heart of God's purpose in pursuing purity. In this episode, Carlie and Davey talk about the heart of the matter when it comes to sexual ethics, warning signs in abusive relationships and the importance of deconstructing ideas that don't align with scripture.

This conversation is so important for those who know or love young people who may be wrestling with what purity truly means.

”Is your heart and your mind desiring God and desiring to follow Him? Is it experiencing that continual transformation from Christ?”

Carlie Tice Cleveland


Episode 224 - Redemption Out of the Dust with Chris and Steph Teague


Episode 222 - Making Today Count with Liset Navas