Episode 183 - Michelle Donnelly


Michelle Donnelly found herself in an impossible situation. Married to her high school sweetheart with three young children, Michelle was stuck in a highly toxic relationship and didn’t see where else to go.

When the marriage finally ended, Michelle was left in a new uncomfortable season: being a Christian single mom. The church often doesn’t know how to handle single parents, and Michelle suddenly found herself dealing with faith, parenting, dating, and more challenges all while in this new season of being single.

To wrap up our Singleness Series, Michelle sits down with Davey to share her story and how she’s turned her pain around into a newfound purpose to help moms just like her.

“Nothing we experience is bigger than Him.”

-Michelle Donnelly

Episode Resources:
Michelle’s Website- www.agapemoms.com
Connect with Michelle on:
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/AgapeMoms
Facebook www.facebook.com/agapemoms
Instagram @agapemoms
The Christian Single Moms Podcast
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Episode 184 - Amy Ford


Episode 182- Kait Warman