Episode 153 - Marriage Series - Hilarie and Joe Barry

One of the most defining characteristics of marriage is the promise of faithfulness. There is something sacred that happens when we stand before God and promise to love one person only, until death do us part. But for far too many, that promise ends up broken. Too often, we’re left asking “what now?” That was Hilarie and Joe Barry’s story. Both the product of a previous failed marriage, everything came crashing down in their lives when Hilarie discovered that Joe had repeatedly been unfaithful. In this installment of our marriage series, Hilarie and Joe sit down with Davey to share what it looked like to walk through this season and how they’ve taken back their story, and their marriage, from the clutches of infidelity.

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“When I can’t trust you, I will trust God.”

-Hilarie and Joe Barry

Episode Resources:

Visit Hilarie’s Website

Buy Hilarie’s book, We Survived Infidelity

Check out our Sexual Betrayal Series - Episodes 79, 80, 81, 82 & 83

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Episode 154 - Marriage Series - Mary and Dave Gothi


Episode 152 - Marriage Series - Nicole Zasowski