Episode 133 - Joel Manby
American culture often makes the mistake of thinking success lies in what we do. We think a thriving life is one in which we accomplish great things, earn the most money, and climb our way to the top of whatever ladder we think we’re on. Joel Manby learned the hard way that this picture of life isn’t quite accurate. Having been at the top of multiple huge companies, Joel was “doing” everything right. His life was on track according to all the wrong metrics, and when failures came for him, it became clear that his dream life wasn’t all there was. Joel sits down with Davey to share what he’s learned on the other side of professional and personal failures and how it made him realize what really matters.
“So many times we get into a tense situation, or a situation that’s not what we want it to be, and we run away from a problem instead of what we’re being called to do.”