Episode 123 - Addiction Series - Cory and Michelle Joy

Cory and Michelle Joy knew their oldest son Caleb had some struggles. They’d caught him in smaller things like drinking and smoking weed, but it was all too easy to dismiss this as childish foolishness. Surely he’d grow up and move past these things, right? By the time they realized the extent of the grip that addiction had on Caleb’s life, it was too late. Despite their best efforts to support him, Caleb’s addiction would eventually claim his life. Still fresh in their grief, Cory and Michelle sit down with Davey to finish off the addiction series by discussing what they’ve learned by walking through this painful valley and how they’re doing everything possible to keep others from going down the same path Caleb did.


The enemy is drawn to trauma. That’s where he’s looking for an open door to attach addiction to you or some unhealthy coping mechanism.
— Cory & Michelle Joy

This podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling.


Episode 124 - Steve and Erin Ullmer - Pt. 1


Episode 122 - Addiction Series - Allen Cothran