Preaching to the Wounded:
How to Address Trauma and Pain from the Pulpit

5 Helpful Tips on Preaching on Pain

As a pastor, it can be overwhelming to witness the trauma, pain, loss, and grief that members of our church community experience. The pain points are endless—loss of a loved one, sexual betrayal, divorce, childhood abuse, infertility, miscarriage, addiction, and more. As church leaders, we often find ourselves offering counsel and care to those suffering, yet may feel ill-equipped to address these complex issues from the pulpit.

The critical question many pastors ask is: How do we minister to those in pain and trauma from the pulpit?

Here are five essential strategies to help you preach to the wounded and guide your church community in navigating pain and finding hope through the gospel.

1. Acknowledge the Reality of Pain and Trauma

Many individuals seeking help for trauma have often said, “I had to go outside the church to find the healing we needed.” This is a common statement for people who desperately wanted to find support and healing within their church, but their leaders and community didn’t know how to help. The conversations about trauma they needed weren’t happening within church walls.

As pastors, we must begin by acknowledging the reality of pain and trauma. Jesus Himself acknowledged the reality of pain when He said, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). Pain and trauma are woven throughout Scripture, from Hannah’s struggles with infertility to David’s constant battles to Elijah’s deep despair. Since the Fall, trauma and pain have been a part of human experience.

Pastors have a unique opportunity to validate people’s pain while offering hope. Spiritual bypassing, or rushing to a solution without first acknowledging the pain, is often harmful. The first step in offering healing is recognizing and validating that your trauma matters to God, to me, and to this community.

2. Help People Form a Strong Theology on Suffering and Pain

People don’t need a self-help theology or quick fixes. They need a theology of suffering that equips them to navigate deep pain. Many people experiencing trauma or loss will find their understanding of suffering to be inadequate when they encounter pain. A weak theology will not help them process trauma or make sense of a suffering world.

It’s essential for church leaders to teach a biblical theology of suffering. A theology that overlooks pain is incomplete and will leave people spiritually unprepared when tragedy strikes. Teaching about God’s goodness in suffering helps individuals understand that pain is not meaningless but is part of God’s greater plan. This helps anchor their faith in the hope of eternity and prepares them for future suffering.

Practical Tip: As you plan your sermon series or discipleship programs, make sure to include teachings on suffering. God’s character in suffering is a cornerstone of spiritual formation.

Download a free built-for-you Sermon Series to help your Congregation through suffering and trauma.


Pain to Purpose
A 4-6 week sermon series — including series graphics, outlines, bumper and coundown videos, social posts and swipe copy — designed to help people take back their story after trauma, tragedy or major life transition


3. Create Space for Lament and Vulnerability

The biblical model for responding to suffering is lament. Pastor Mark Vroegop defines lament as “a prayer in pain that leads to trust.” Lament is about bringing our pain and grief to God, sharing doubts, questions, and asking for His help. This act of worship is seen throughout Scripture—from David to Job to Jesus.

Lament isn’t just individual; it’s also communal. In ancient times, people gathered together to lament their pain and suffering. These communal laments allowed people to express their grief and find comfort in each other’s pain.

In our modern church services, it’s easy to overlook the need for lament. We often focus on the logistics of service planning, but it’s crucial to create space for people to mourn and share their pain openly.

Practical Tip: Consider setting aside time for communal lament in your church. This can be a special prayer time during services, a dedicated small group focused on grief, or even a prayer wall for people to share their pain and prayers. Creating spaces for vulnerability can facilitate healing and community support.

4. Be Mindful of Your Words and Examples

As pastors, we may not always consider how deeply our words affect those in the congregation who are grieving or experiencing trauma. People filter our messages through the lens of their own pain. This means that the examples we use, and the words we choose, can either help or hurt those in the audience.

It’s essential to approach preaching with sensitivity. For instance, a message about the blessings of marriage or family can unintentionally hurt those who are struggling with infertility, divorce, or marital betrayal. While we cannot address every individual situation, we can use careful language and thoughtful examples that provide comfort and healing for everyone, especially those walking through trauma.

Practical Tip: Use inclusive language that recognizes the diverse struggles within your congregation. Be mindful of the examples you choose, making sure they are sensitive to people experiencing grief, loss, and trauma.

5. Offer Practical Hope and Healing

Trauma impacts people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Healing must address all these dimensions. In 1 Kings 19:5-8, we find the prophet Elijah deeply discouraged, and yet God’s response to his pain wasn’t a sermon—it was rest and nourishment. This illustrates that sometimes, the most spiritual thing we can offer is practical care.

Encouraging rest, encouraging Sabbath practices, and offering access to trauma-informed counseling are practical ways to help people heal. Pastors should guide their congregations to engage with both spiritual and emotional support to heal from trauma.

Practical Tip: Advocate for holistic healing in your congregation by offering resources like Christ-centered counseling, prayer for healing, and opportunities for physical rest. Encourage practices that promote the mind, body, and spirit healing process.

Preaching to the wounded can feel daunting. But by creating space for lament, preaching a robust theology of suffering, and offering practical hope, your church can become a place of healing for those in pain. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can help your congregation navigate their stories of trauma and find lasting hope through Jesus Christ.

Are you ready to help your church better understand the impact of trauma and become a trauma-informed leader? Download our FREE Trauma-Informed Leader Toolkit to take the first step in guiding your church toward healing.

Access the Trauma Informed Leader Toolkit for Free

This 4-part video series will help you and your team begin the conversation of how trauma is impacting your community. The Trauma Informed Leader Toolkit will equip you with what you need to know about the way trauma works in individuals, and how you can start to create environments for healing.


My favorite Bible verses about finding Purpose in Pain